The potential for coal bed methane gas production has recently come under increased scrutiny as a possible replacement for fossil fuels such as oil and coal.
Coal bed methane is a common gas field occurrence that occurs when gas production from coal seams intersects with methane-containing rocks. The gas is trapped in the coal, and can be easily extracted using a wellbore.
Coal bed methane has the potential to replace fossil fuels, and has a number of environmental benefits.
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Winds Exploration & Production LLC in Utah 🔽
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What makes Coal Bed Methane Gas Different
Coal bed methane gas, unlike other gas forms, is considered clean energy and is found in the earth's crust. It is a resource that has the potential to be produce in large quantities. The gas is made up of escaped methane from coal seams and is trapped and sealed in the earth's rocky layers.
Why Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is energy of the future
The coal bed methane (CBM) drilling process is an underground drilling process that uses a high pressure water drill to break up challenging coal seams to extract natural gas deposits. Coal bed methane is an environmentally friendly fuel source that can be used to produce electricity and heat, and it is also a valuable mineral resource.
Learn more about CMB production and investments with
Winds Exploration & Production LLC in Utah 🔽
Read Bloomberg Article about Winds Awarded Gas Block in Democratic Republic of Congo
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